Wednesday 25 July 2012

Analysis of the first National Sexual Helath Survey underway

The Directorate for Health Information and Research within the Ministry for Health, the Elderly and Community Care is in the process of analising and evaluating data collected from the first National Sexual Health survey.  The implementation of this survey follows from and fulfills part of the research recommendations made by the National Sexual Health Strategy launched in 2011 by the Ministry of Health, the Elderly and Community Care. 

The National Sexual Health survey is a representative study among the population aged 16 to 40 assessing the population’s attitudes towards sexuality and sexual health; their knowledge about sexual health related issues and their sexual practices.   Fieldwork has been conducted over the first three months of 2012 among a representative sample of Maltese residents within the said age group.  

This study has collected detailed information on a number of important indicators addressing topics such as sexual education, sexual competence, sexual activity, risky behaviours, knowledge about sexually transmitted infections, knowledge and use of contraceptive methods and knowledge about treatment and screening facilities.  The information from this study will help develop targeted educational and health promotion campaigns and lead to the creation of user driven sexual health services to meet the needs of the population.   

Data input and analysis is now underway in order to publish a report on the findings.

The respondents who have kindly given their time for the completion of the survey have been provided with a USB drive containing a range of information leaflets and documents on the subject of sexual health.  In addition, they have also been given the opportunity to take part in a lottery to win an iPad.  

This lottery was held at the offices of the Lotteries and Gaming Authority on the 18th June 2012 and Mr Emanuel Schembri’s winning ticket was drawn.  

During the presentation Minister for Health, the Elderly and Community Care Hon Joe Cassar thanked Mr Schembri and all the participants who contributed in this important phase of the research.  Minister Cassar said that the actual publication of the Malta’s first National Sexual Health Strategy was an important step forward towards a better informed, healthier society.  Research is the key to understand beleifs, perceptions and behaviours and therefore the contribution of every individual will result in an informed approach.

Minister Cassar thanked all the professionals at the Directorate for Health Information and Research whose hard work normally goes by unnoticed until results of various surveys are published.  This Directorate helped the Department of Health plan and create various strategies, from which the general public gained in a direct manner through services and initiatives.

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