Saturday 8 September 2012

Maltese patients and professionals to benefit from reputable experience of health care professionals

During a meeting between the Ministry for Health and Societa’ Italiana Studi Medicina della Riproduzione, a basis for collaboration regarding the Embryo Protection Bill has been established.

In practice this means that the Maltese and Gozitan population will be benefitting from the expertise SISMER has gained throughout the years.  This expertise has established SISMER as a European leader in the field.

Prof Luca Gianaroli and Mr. Diego Gianaroli Scientific Director and CEO of SISMER respectively said that they are proud to be collaborating with the Maltese Government for the best interest of the Maltese population, especially in view of  the new law which will regulate IVF in Malta.

Hon Joe Cassar, Minister for Health, the Elderly and Community Care, Dr Kenneth Grech, Permanent Secretary and Prof Mark Brincat, Clinical Director of Obstetrics and Gynaecology within the same Ministry discussed the details of the collaboration between both parties.

Minister Cassar said that Maltese and Gozitan patients will be benefitting directly from this collaboration.  He said that the fact that the Ministry managed to secure the collaboration of such a reputable organisation as SISMER, is proof of the trust and solid reputation that the Ministry has secured around the EU.

This meeting was held at the Embassy of Malta in Rome, hosted by Ambassador Charles Inguanez.

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