Sunday 28 October 2012

Iż-żieda fl-Operazzjonijiet fl-isptar Mater Dei

Iż-żieda fin-numru ta operazzjonijiet li qed isiru fl-iSptar Mater Dei flimkien ma diversi ftehim li għamilna mas-settur privat u numru ta inizjattivi oħra qed jirriżultaw f'inqas żmien ta stennija għall-operazzjonijiet.

Speech by the Hon Joe Cassar, Minister for Health, the Elderly and Community Care at the Malta Cancer Foundation Symposium

Speech by the Hon Joe Cassar, Minister for Health, the Elderly and Community Care at the Malta Cancer Foundation Symposium .

Good morning,
Thank you for inviting me to address this symposium.
Cancer has been at the top of my agenda, since the very start of my tenure as Minister for Health. I need not explain why,  you are the experts in this field and surely know too well why.
Over the last few years Government has invested, significantly, in initiatives which seek to address the challenges that the rising cancer burden presents to Malta as it does to rest of the Western world. We appreciate the challenges and we are determined to address them as best as this country can.
Ongoing investment in screening programmes and targeted health promotion programmes, in wider access to free drugs,  and in the expansion of curative and palliative services characterize Government’s continued commitment to address cancer.  A National Cancer Strategy which was launched in 2011, directs and steers the development and activity that is continually unfolding in this specific field of practice.
The new EU funded oncology centre, which is due to open next year will be the hallmark of this government, in the field of oncology. We  cannot wait to take our patients there. The current oncology hospital, Boffa Hospital in Floriana,  holds many virtues with its sterling workforce being undoubtedly the central one, but, its dated nature calls for  modern new premises, which the new oncology centre at Mater Dei Hospital promises!
 In turn, the investment in resources associated within this centre are the cornerstones which will ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of this centre and oncology services in Malta. Government is committed and indeed in engaged in the establishment of the finest of equipment and the finest of human resources. Much funds have been channelled towards the purchase of relevant equipment and the development of optimally trained human resources.
We appreciate the support that the EU is providing, and we are grateful for the contribution that our partners, the University of Cardiff, and the Royal Marsden are rallying towards the further training of our workforce.
Before I end my address today, I would like to note our appreciation and gratitude towards the remarkable contribution that the Malta Cancer Foundation has incessantly delivered to oncology services in Malta. The Malta Cancer Foundation has been instrumental in the development of services in Malta. Allow me to take the opportunity to commend their generous contribution, and to invite the foundation for further collaboration in the coming years.
It is indeed a pleasure to be here; this is an opportunity to support a cause which is central and so important to my current role.
I augur a fruitful symposium.
 Thank you

Speech at the annual Training and Resource Development Weekend organised by the Malta Medical Students Association

Opening address by Hon Joe Cassar, Minister for Health, the Elderly and Community Care at the annual Training and Resource Development Weekend organised by the Malta Medical Students Association for its members.

Dear Students,

Thank you for inviting me to contribute to this annual weekend once again being organised by the MMSA.

I am indeed very glad to be here with you and especially because the focus of this weekend is on doctors and their development and on MMSA and its contribution to society.

Medicine, doctors and MMSA are of specific and special interest and relevance to me.  Allow me to note that I am a doctor, a psychiatrist, and I take much pride in being so,  and with similar much pride I  sought to contribute to MMSA for quite a few years when I was president of the MMSA in my own student days.

Therefore I couldn’t be more pleased to be invited by MMSA once again. I thank you for this opportunity.

Today I am here to talk to you as Minister of Health, Elderly and Community Care, and this brings me to the essence of the message I would like to share with you today.

You are on your way to be doctors. While you train, I ask you to focus on developing an understanding of the fact that once a doctor each of you will be expected to be behave, to perform, like a doctor, always and everywhere.  Thus you will be bound by the Hippocratic oath all the time, at work as doctors, but also as individuals in a society.

Wherever and whatever role you will play in your lives, even when you are not dealing directly with patients, with clients, with the users of health services, you will be doctors. 

Currently, I am fulfilling the role of Minister, within the Government, however, since I chose to remain part of the esteemed profession of medicine, and although my role obliges me to step away from the direct delivery of care to patients,  I as Minister am still fully bound to remain committed to the oath I once took when I joined the profession.

I sincerely invite you to ensure that you channel your training, and the development of your resources, towards the reality that becoming a doctor is not taking up a job.

Becoming a doctor means joining a profession characterised by specific obligations and responsibilities - encompassed in the Hippocratic oath - and such obligations and responsibilities are to be shouldered by all, always and everywhere.

You may be asking yourselves why I chose to emphasise such a message that highlights the obligations and responsibilities of doctors always and everywhere. I will briefly explain where I am coming from, in the hope that my message will be even clearer.

In my role as Minister I am privileged to meet, and work alongside many exemplary performances and contributions of doctors.

Our various hard working conscientious doctors in our community,  who are often the first port of call of members of our society, our busy committed doctors in our hospitals, our innovative inquisitive doctors engaged in research initiatives here and all over the world, our achieving doctors in the world of academia…..are all a pleasure to witness. I will take the opportunity to harp about their exemplary performance as doctors and to thank them for the inspiration they offer to all of us.

However, I have to admit that, as Minister I also do encounter various unfavourable experiences.  Each one, is simply one to many! I will not dwell on the nature of such experiences as i simply want to point out that in essence such unfavourable experiences simply stem from failings of doctors to truly understand, embrace and shoulder their responsibilities and obligations all the time, even when they are at home, when tired, when stressed, when happy and socialising, when partying.

I am not seeking to patronise you adults here.  I am sharing my experience as doctor, as an past MMSA activist, now a Minister, but still a doctor.

My message is thus clear -  I invite you to focus on developing into individuals who are fit for a profession, whose obligations and responsibilities you will “wear” consistently and constantly and not merely fit for a job as a doctor, which you will clock in and out of,  for a number of hours, 5 or 6 times a week.

Finally, I also promise you that as Minister, I will continue to support you, your training and your development into doctors in any way I can . Supporting the development of professionals within my Ministry tops my agenda.  Rest assured it will remain so.

I augur you all a fruitful experience.

Thank you.

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Grazzi liż-żgħażagħ

Dalgħodu kelli l-pjaċir li għal-ftit mumenti inkun ma grupp ta żgħażagħ mil-Junior College li organizzaw blood drive.  Bl-aġir tagħhom dawn iż-żgħażagħ probabilment salvaw il-ħajja ta xi ħadd li ma jafux.  Prosit.

Diskors waqt l-għoti tal-premjijiet ta' prattika tajba 2012

Diskors mill-Ministru għas-Saħħa, l-Anzjani u Kura fil-Komunita Joe Cassar waqt l-għoti tal-Premjijiet ta’ Prattika Tajba 2012 mill-Awtorita Maltija għas-Saħħa u s-Sigurta fuq il-Post tax-Xogħol

Onorevoli Kollegi,

Kap Eżekuttiv,

Mistiednin distinti,

L-Aġenzija Ewropea għas-Saħħa u s-Sigurta fuq il-Post tax-Xogħol għandha l-missjoni mportanti li tgħin biex il-postijiet tax-xogħol fl-Ewropa, inkluż f’Malta, jkunu aktar siguri u ħielsa minn perikli mhux kontrollati. Ir-rwol ta’ din l-Agenzija huwa li tirriċerka, tiżviluppa u tqassam informazzjoni dwar is-saħħa u s-sigurta fuq il-postijiet tax-xogħol, u torganizza diversi kampanji edukattivi biex titqajjem kuxjenza akbar favur is-saħħa u s-sigurta tal-ħaddiema. 

Din l-Aġenzija li twaqqfet fl-1996, tlaqqa` flimkien rappreżentanti  mill-Kummisjoni Ewropea, tal-Gvernijiet fl-Istati membri, organizzazzjonijiet ta` dawk li jħaddmu u tal-ħaddiema. Fuq livell nazzjonali l-Aġenzija hija rappreżentata  minn dak li jissejjaħ network tal-Focal Points, li hawn Malta hija l-Awtorita għas-Saħħa u s-Sigurta fuq il-Post tax-Xogħol.

Huwa bi ftaħir li nfakkar li fi żjara f’Malta iktar kmieni din is-sena, id-Direttur tal-Aġenzija Ewropea faħħret il-ħidma tal-OHSA-Malta, li hi stess iddeskriviet bħala membru attiv ħafna tal-Aġenzija Ewropea, u li tieħu numru ta’ inizjattivi innovativi.

Din is-sena it-tema li intagħżlet mill-Aġenzija Ewropea hija NAĦDMU FLIMKIEN BIEX NEVITAW IR-RISKJI.  Għalkemm il-management huwa primarjament responsabbli għas-saħħa u s-sigurta fuq il-post tax-xogħol,  huwa fatt li meta dan jinvolvi ruħu m`mod attiv mal-ħaddiema u mar-rapprezentati taghom, jinkisbu riżultati iktar effettivi.  

 Għal din ir-raguni, kull kumpanija trid tosserva żewg elementi ewlenin, dik li l-management jikkonsulta mal-ħaddiema  dwar il-qasam tas-sahha u s-sigurta` waqt li fl-istess ħin il-ħaddiema u r-rappreżentanti tagħhom għandhom jipparteċipaw billi jaqsmu l-ideat u billi jaħdmu u jikkopperaw b`mod attiv mal-management.

Huwa nkoraġġanti l-fatt li din is-sena kien hemm parteċipazzjoni kemm minn kumpaniji u organizzazjonijiet li jimpjegaw aktar minn 100 ħaddiem kif ukoll minn oħrajn li jimpjegaw anqas minn 100 ħaddiem.  Kien hemm anke firxa wisgħa ta` attivitajiet kummerċjali, minn kumpaniji tal-elettronika, għal dawk tal-farmaċija, avjazzjoni, kif ukoll parteċipazzjoni minn Dipartiment tal-Gvern. 

Jien f`isem il-Gvern nixtieq nifraħ lil dawn il-kumpaniji u kumpaniji oħra għall-investiment li qegħdin jagħmlu biex  jimplimentaw miżuri nnovattivi ta` sigurta fuq il-postijiet tax-xogħol, li wara kollox, huwa nvestiment fir-riżorsi umani tagħhom. Din hija attitudni li għandha tkun ikkupjata minn oħrajn.  Għalhekk huwa xieraq li inizjattivi bħal dawn jiġu rikonoxxuti permezz ta’ din iċ-ċerimonja, kif ukoll permezz ta’ dan il-premju prestiġġjuż.  Jiena konvint li l-livell tal-eżempji ta` prattika tajba li kienu sottomessi din is-sena minn dawn il-kumpaniji Maltin, ser jikkompetu bis-sħiħ ma’ dawk l-eżempji li ser ikunu sottomessi minn kumpaniji oħra fil-kumplament ta` l-Ewropa.  Għalhekk nawgura lil-dawn il kumpaniji kull suċċess għall-futur.

Ma nixtieqx nagħlaq dan l-intevent qasir tiegħi,  mingħajr ma nifraħ u nirringrazzja lill-management u l-ħaddiema kollha fi ħdan l-Awtorita Maltija għas-Saħħa u s-Sigurta fuq il-Post tax-Xogħol għall-ħidma taghhom u l-impenn sħiħ biex jippromwovu s-saħħa u s-sigurta fost il-ħaddiema tagħna.

Grazzi u prosit.

Joe Cassar
Ministru għas-Saħħa, l-Anzjani u Kura fil-Komunita

Monday 22 October 2012


Il-Ministeru għall-Kompetizzjoni Ġusta, Negozji Żgħar u l-Konsumaur, iħabbar li se jorħsu erbatax-il mediċina oħra.B’hekk in-numru ta’ medicini li raħsu issa telgħu għal 267 mediċina.

It-tnaqqis ta’ dawn il-medicini jlaħħaq roħs sa 69%. Minn dawn il-mediċini il-Medovir li jintuża għall-kura ta’ infezzjonijiet virali raħas b’ €22.24, iz-Zithromax li huwa antibijotiku tat-tfal raħas b’€7.56 u l-Moxiclav li huwa antibijotiku raħas b’€ 3.59. Ir-roħs sar bl-intervent tal-Uffiċċju għall-Affarijiet tal-Konsumatur.

Il-Ministru Jason Azzopardi qal li dan huwa pass ieħor ‘il quddiem sabiex aktar familji jkunu jistgħu jixtru dawn il-mediċini bi prezzijiet irħas. Dan kollu, saħaq il-Ministru Azzopardi jixhed ix-xogħol siewi li qed jaghmel il-Gvern sabiex ikompli bid-diskussjonijiet tiegħu mal-importaturi sabiex jorħsu aktar medicini. Filfatt, il-Ministru Azzopardi qal li bħalissa għaddejjin taħditiet oħra sabiex ix-xahar li ġej ikomplu jorħsu numru ta’ medicini oħra. Dawn it- tahditiet, sostna l-Ministru  qed isiru sabiex jintlaħaq l-aħjar ftehim fl-interess tal-familji Maltin u Għawdxin kollha.

Għal aktar informazzjoni dwar il-prezzijiet tal-mediċini, wieħed jista’ jċempel fuq in-numru 23952000, mit-Tnejn sal-Ġimgħa bejn it-8:00am u t-3:00pm jew inkella billi jibgħat email fuq l-indirizz:

Richmond Foundation annual Conference

Speech by Hon Joe Cassar, Minister for Health, the Elderly and Community Care at the Richmond Foundation annual conference commemorating World Mental Health Day 2012

Mrs Gonzi,

Distinguished Guests,

Good morning.

As Minister for Health, as well as a professional,  I welcome the opportunity of being invited to events like todays, because such events promote continued professional development. This is an excellent opportunity for you to continue to develop professionally. It is an opportunity to help you become more effective in your professional role, helping you to enhance existing competences as well as developing new knowledge and skills, all of which is crucial for the provision of good quality services. 

The theme of the Conference is of special interest to many of us here because we know that many of the people we help in our work are experiencing personality issues.   Such issues are challenging for the person themselves, for their social network and, not least, for the professionals.

 Personality Disorder is an illness which requires treatment. 

It is estimated that about 1 in 20 people experience a personality disorder that warrants seeking professional help.  In the past, health care professionals used to look at a person with a personal disorder with a feeling that there was nothing to do about the condition. 

Today its a different story. I am sure that in the next couple of days you will hear about the latest developments in managing these issues. As you know, many people have only mild conditions and therefore require help only when experiencing particular moments of stress, such as bereavement.  However other people with more severe problems may need specialist help for longer periods.

The good news is that most people recover from personality disorders over time. Sometimes a psychological or medical treatment is also required.  Sometimes its only a matter of providing some sort of support. 

Of course this depends on the severity of the disorder and whether there are ongoing health issues.  Some mild to moderate personality disorders improve with psychotherapy. Persons experiencing personality disorders have been helped by different types of psychological therapies.

However, there is no single approach that suits everyone and treatment should be tailored to the individual. Not all talking therapies are effective and it is essential they are delivered by a trained therapist.  This brings me back to the importance of continued professional development.

I need to stress that in such work you encounter with people with personality disorder who deserve the utmost attention and respect because these people are not "bad" but are ill. 

Definitely they do not deserve to be made fun of, ridiculed or given up on.  I know that in today's audience there are professionals from all sectors: substance abuse, correctional services, health, social, to mention but a few.  This is understandable because people with personality disorder find themselves in all sorts of difficulties and do not only show up in the mental health sector.

I wish to take this opportunity to wish you two excellent days of sharing and learning which will only result in sharpened skills.  

I would like to thank Richmond Foundation for organising this conference.  I wish to congratulate all of you for taking the time out from your busy schedules to continue to develop your expertise for the benefit of the people you help. 

Well done.



L-għażla dwar l-iSptar Saint Philips hi waħda li tqiegħed l-interess tal-pazjent quddiemnett

L-għażla dwar l-iSptar Saint Philips hi waħda li tqiegħed l-interess tal-pazjent quddiemnett.

L-għażliet kienu li jew tinbena facilità ġdida jew il-Gvern jikri binja eżistenti li tkun tista’ tintuża mill-ewwel. L-aktar għażla li kienet tagħmel sens kienet il-kirja ta’ St Philips li hi ta’ 20 Ewro kuljum għal kull sodda. Wara 3 snin mill-kirja l-Gvern ikun jista’ jagħżel jixtrix l-isptar jew le. Jekk ma jixtrihx il-kirja tibqa’ għaddejja.

Huwa fatt ukoll li l-prezz li nnegozja l-Gvern hu 9 miljun
Ewro inqas mit-talba oriġinali li kienet saret mis-sidien tal-isptar. Dan issarraf fi prezz tajjeb ħafna ta’ 20 Ewro kuljum għal sodda ta rijabilitazzjoni.

ħal 20 Ewro kuljum kull sodda, Dott Muscat irid jixxaħħaħ mal-pazjenti.

F’din il-le
ġislatura l-Gvern daħħal diversi servizzi mediċi ġodda fosthom operazzjonijiet ġodda, żdiedu l-operazzjonijiet u telgħu għal 44,000 f’sena, żdiedu l-mediċini ġodda, infetaħ breast screening centre, żdiedu bi 850 is-sodod għall-anzjani fid-djar tal-anzjani, u infetħu kliċini għal kura tas-saħħa mentali.

Friday 12 October 2012

Teatru tal-Operazzjonijiet dedikat għad-dipartiment tal-emerġenza

Teatru tal-Operazzjonijiet dedikat għad-dipartiment tal-emerġenza
Ikomplu jiżdiedu in-numru ta operazzjonijiet li jisru fl-iSptar Mater Dei

Id-Dipartiment tal-Emerġenza tal-iSptar Mater Dei issa għandu teatru għall-operazzjonijiet kompletament dedikat għall-proċeduri ta emerġenza.  Dan ħabbru il-Ministru għas-Saħħa, l-Anzjani u Kura fil-Komunita Joe Cassar waqt konferenza tal-aħbarijiet li matulha tħabbar ukoll li in-numru rekord ta operazzjonijiet li jisru f’dan l-iSptar qed ikomplu jiżdied.

Il-Ministru Cassar qal li l-politika tal-Gvern fil-qasam tas-saħħa hi waħda ċara – dik li l-pazjent jiġi offrut servizz tas-saħħa ta kwalita tajba.  Il-Ministru qal li huwa għalhekk li l-isptar kontinwament jibni fuq l-esperjenza miksuba mill-passat, u b’hekk jissaħħu s-servizzi li jiġu offruti.  Filwaqt li rringrazzja lill professjonisti u l-ħaddiem li jaħdmu fid-Dipartiment tal-Emerġenza, Dr Cassar qal li dawn il-professjonisti li jiltaqgħu mall-pazjent, u ma qrabatu, f’mumenti fejn l-emozzjoni tirbaħ.  Il-ħidma f’dan id-dipartiment tirrikjedi ħafna dedikazzjoni u paċenzja u huwa xogħol li jixhed il-vokazzjoni fil-professjoni.

Id-Dipartiment tal-Emerġenza jaħdem purament fuq bażi ta priorita skont il-każ.  Il-Ministriu qal li l-immedjatezza hi importanti għall-pazjent u fil-fatt il-pazjenti li jkunu ġenwinament ta emerġenza jiddaħħlu minnufiħ għall-kura.  Filwaqt li l-isptar minn dejjem kellu sistema li permezz tagħha ikun hemm aċċess għall-teatru tal-operazzjonijiet b’mod immedjat f’każ ta bżonn, il-fatt li issa hemm teatru li se jkun għad-dispożizzjoni tad-dipartiment tal-emerġenza, se joħlow sistema aktar prattika u garanzija li l-operazzjonijiet ippjanati ma jiġux affettwati. 

Dr David Cassar, Medical Director tal-iSptar Mater Dei qal li għal darb’oħra ġiet reġistrata żieda fin-numru ta operazzjonjiet li qed isiru fl-iSptar.  Bejn Jannar u Awwissu ta din is-sena saru total ta 30,500 operazzjoni differenti li huwa żieda ta, 1,580 operazzjoni fuq l-istess żmien tas-sena li għaddiet. 

Din iż-żieda tkompli tibni fuq dak li kien miksub fis-snin ta qabel.  Matul it tnax-il xahar tas-sena li għaddiet kienu saru total ta’ 43,747 operazzjoni li kienet żieda ta 1,952 operazzjoni fuq is-sena ta’ qabel u żieda ta 11,000 operazzjoni fuq l-aħħar sena tal-isptar l-antik San Luqa.

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Il-Poplu jgħid mod, l-oppożizzjoni tgħid mod ieħor

Il-Poplu jgħid mod, l-oppożizzjoni tgħid mod ieħor  

Hu għajb li l-Malta Labour Party jibqa jeħodha kontra inizjattiva oħra favur il-pazjenti.

Fl-isforz tieghu li jpinġi lill-pajjiż u s-servizzi fil-qasam tas-saħħa f’dawl ikraħ, din id-darba il-Malta Labour Party saħansitra qed joġġezzjona għal ftehim ieħor mall-privat li minnu se jibbenefikaw il-pazjenti.

Fil-fatt kollox jindika li l-Oppożizzjoni ma fehmitx  x’inhi id-differenza bejn li l-iSptar Saint Philips, li se jintuża għar-rijabilitazzjoni u l-isptar Mater Dei li huwa acute hospital.

Il-Malta Labour Party issa qed imeri lill Għaqda Dinjija tas-Saħħa, li qalet li pajjiżna huwa “role model” għall-pajjiżi oħra fil-qasam tas-saħħa.  Aktar minn hekk il-Malta Labour Party saħansitra qed jgħid l-oppost ta dak li qed jgħidu l-Maltin u l-Għawdxin.  Fil-fatt, minkejja it-tfieħ ta tajn kontinwu mill-oppożizzjoni,  il-Eurobarometer juri li 82% tal poplu Malti jqis s-servizz tas-saħħa f’pajjiżna hu wieħed tajjeb.

Għal darb oħra qed tiġi miċħuda il-gidba li saru xi ħlasijiet għall-xogħolijiet li ma sarux.

Ironikament, f’temp ta ġimgħa, il-Ministeru ħabbar ftehim ieħor ma 3 sptarijiet privati dwar proċeduri oħra ghal gid tal-pazjenti, u tħabbru wkoll żewġ inizjattivi oħra mill-privat fil-qasam tas-saħħa. 

Dan kollu juri li filwaqt li l-pazjent qed ikompli jibbenefika mill-politika tal-gvern għal-qasam tas-saħħa, l-oppożizzjoni qed tiddendel ma kull opportunita biex tħammeġ is-settur u tiżra n-negattivita. 

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Launch of CAREMARK

Speech by the Hon Joe Cassar, Minister for Health, the Elderly and Community Care at the official launch of CAREMARK Malta.

Distinguished guests,
Thank you for inviting me to the launch of, CAREMARK, in Malta.  It is indeed a pleasure for me to be here, at the official launch of the local branch of a well reputed health care service.
CAREMARK intends to provide care services to people in their own homes, in their usual family environment, in the towns and villages across our island away from the hospitals and health centres which our health system holds. The demand for this kind of service, that is, care service provision in the community, is one which is increasingly on the rise.
CAREMARK boasts of excellent legacy of many years of experience and expertise in such care provision in the community setting, for many years in the UK and therefore CAREMARK’s coming to Malta is truly a pleasure to note. The Ministry of Health which I steer welcome CAREMARK as a collaborative partner in the mission to address the care needs of our people in the best way possible.
During my tenure as Minister of Health I have sought to welcome and support private organizations and NGOs wanting to contribute to the health and care sector. I have consistently sought to fetch and support initiatives originating from the private sector, which aimed to complement the policies, plans and projects of the public health care system. I believe that there is place for all in our health care system.
Given the one core common aim, that is, the provision of optimal service to those who need it, I am confident that our health system stands to benefit from comprising a myriad of different types of entities complementing each other.
CAREMARK’s private contribution to care community services is a welcome addition to my Ministry’s efforts towards securing  optimal care in community settings.
As a politician, I also note that CAREMARKs’ decision is a clear illustration of the successful and favourable position that Malta stands at, in the economic investment context. CAREMARK’s investment in Malta is a certificate of trust and faith in our nation, in our health system, in our workforce and in the  Government of Malta.  We will support your contribution to our society as best we can.
I augur success to CAREMARK on its new venture.
Thank you

GPDirect launches after-hours GP Clinic at Da Vinci Hospital

Effective family medical care should be personal and continuous.  Minister for Health, the Elderly and Community Care Dr Joe Cassar said that having access to a family doctor is essential for both the patient and his doctor.  The family doctor naturally has more understanding of the patients habits and lifestyle and thus develops a relationship which allows for more personalised care.
Minister Cassar was addressing the launch of GPDirect, an after-hours medical group practice made up of a team of experienced general practitioners (GPs) who will be available to deal with routine and emergency medical conditions after normal working hours.
GPDirect will operate at Da Vinci Hospital on the principle known as Continuity of Care. This principle is fundamental to proper Primary Healthcare delivery by general practitioners (GPs) in the community and to be achieved, each patient’s regular GP must be kept informed every time that patient seeks medical advice. When a patient seeks medical advice from a different GP or medical institution (as often happens after working hours), the continuity with their regular GP and the updating of information may be undermined.
This often happens in Malta because GPs generally work alone and cannot be available at all hours of the day and night.
Minister Cassar said that GPDirect brings together a group of established, dedicated private GPs to offer a medical group practice which will be available to individuals and their families after working hours, during the week as well as on weekends and public holidays. It will be available for routine and urgent medical conditions.  
In this way, if a person cannot find their regular GP after normal working hours, they can visit GPDirect, receive all the medical services they require, and GPDirect will keep their own regular GP updated with timely and detailed information. This will allow the regular GP to continue caring for the individual with updated information on their patient’s healthcare, ensuring continuity and ultimately leading to better healthcare all round.
Community based services are also an essential feature of a strong and effective Primary Healthcare system. Dr Cassar said that GPDirect recognises this fact and through a planned partnership with emcare they will be in a position to offer patients direct and immediate access to a number of community care services.
This partnership will also lead to the development automated solution developed by 6pm Holdings plc, a local health solutions provider, to allow communication between GPs, other healthcare professionals and community based services. This communication between all stakeholders is crucial for proper management of the patient. This system will allow the GP to effectively coordinate the individual care of each patient as they move through the various aspects of the healthcare services and will positively enhance the patient’s experience and interaction with GP Direct.
GPDirect, operated by JTM Ltd,  is now available to all patients and will be providing after-hours routine GP and emergency medical services. Since it is located within the Da Vinci Hospital, an established medical institution, it has at its disposal all the hospitals resources available for the further care of the individual patient, should these be required. There is also an onsite pharmacy which will allow the purchase of any medication should this be required. 
GPD opening hours:
Monday to Friday:                   7.30pm – 11pm
Saturdays:                               1.30pm – 4.30pm
Sundays & Public Holidays     9.00am – 12.00pm

Patient contact telephone: 21491200,

Government reaches agreement for Rehabilitation Hospital

Joint statement by the Ministry of Finance, Economy And Investment and the Ministry for Health, the Elderly and Community Care

Government reaches agreement for Rehabilitation Hospital

Government announces that an agreement has been reached with the owners of St Philip’s Hospital on the lease arrangement of the same hospital for a period of 8 years.
Government also has an option to buy the facility, at the end of every year, from the third year up to the eighth year. The purchase value after three years inclusive of all lease payments has been calculated on the final negotiated price of Euro 12.4 million, with the first option to buy at year 3 starting from around Euro 11.3 million to Euro 9.8 million on the eight year. The annual lease cost starts from Euro 825,000 per annum.

 Following an Expression of Interest issued by the owners of St. Philip’s Hospital, the Ministry of Health expressed interest in acquiring a hospital which allows for the  occupation of the facilities without the need for any major infrastructural works. Following extensive negotiations with the owners by a joint negotiating team between the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Finance, the above agreement has been reached. This arrangement gives full flexibility to the Ministry of Health to make use of 110 beds within a short amount of time.  

The value of the property was based on a detailed valuation that was carried out by the technical team of the Foundation for Medical Services (FMS) that took into consideration the state of the property, equipment and development potential.

The decision to consider the St Philip’s facility was based also on the lower cost it offered to the public purse in developing the originally planned 280-bed rehabilitation facility.  The overall assessment indicates that expanding the rehabilitation full requirements with the St Philips Hospital would be a cheaper option that to build all the facility from scratch. However, since this requires a development permitting process that has a number of uncertainties, the Government thought it wiser not to make an outright acquisition but only to do so if the planning process allows for the facilities expansion.

Government also refers to press reports claiming that this agreement would cost Government Euro 20 million. Indeed, this was the original asking price by the seller, a price which was significantly lowered by the negotiating team. With reference to comments on public acquisitions requirements and that Government was not following the regulations on procurement, it must be pointed out that according to Regulation 17(1)(f) of the Public Contracts Regulations (Legal Notice 296/10), these regulations are not applicable to the purchase or rental of land, buildings or property rights. The acquisition of the St Philips Facility has been approved by Cabinet.

Thursday 4 October 2012

Imniedi stħarriġ biex jistabilixxi x’kienet l-esperjenza tal-pazjent fl-iSptar Mater Dei

Imniedi stħarriġ biex jistabilixxi x’kienet l-esperjenza tal-pazjent fl-iSptar Mater Dei
Il-kwestjonarju jista jimtela direttament fuq it-touchscreen tas-soddod tal-pazjenti fis-swali
L-iSptar Mater Dei nieda stħarriġ bl-iskop li jiġi stabilit kif il-pazjent jevalwa l-esperjenza tiegħu waqt li kien rekoverat fl-iSptar Mater Dei.  Dan qiegħed isir permezz ta kwestjonarju li jista jimtela mill-pazjent fuq it-touchscreen li li jinsab ma kull sodda fis-swali differenti.
Il-Ministru Joe Cassar qal li l-esperjenza tal-pazjent hi importanti għall-dawk kollha li jikkontribwixxu fil-proċess ta kura.  Din l-informazzjoni tindika wkoll fejn ikun jista jsir titjib.  Joe Cassar qal li l-iskop aħħari huwa dejjem dak li l-pazjent jingħata servizz dejjem aħjar.  Hu qal li għal dan il-għan ġew ippreperati żewġ kwestjonarji, wieħed għall-pazjenti fis-swali in ġenerali (eżempju dawk tal kiruġija, mediċina, pedjatrija), u ieħor għas-swali tal-maternita.
Dan sar minħabba li s-servizzi li jiġu offruti fis-swali huma pjuttost differenti.
Il-kwestjonari huma offruti kemm bil-Malti u anke bl-Ingliz, u l-pazjent se jkun imħeġġeġ jimlihom hekk kif ikun mgħarraf li jista jmur id-dar.  Is-sistema hija maħluqa b’mod li tiżgura l-anonimita tal-pazjent, u minkejja li qed jiġi offrut fuq l-entertainment system, ma hemm bżonn li tinxtara l-ebda card biex jimtela.
Il-kwestjonarji, li mhumiex obbligatorji, jikkonsistu minn 23 / 25 mistoqsija u jinkludu mistoqsijiet dwar il-kura mgħotija, indafa, u ospitalita.  Dan se jippermetti li l-isptar ikun jista jqabbel dak li joħroġ mill-kwestjonarji bejn sala u oħra. 
Il-Ministru Cassar qal li peress l-proċess huwa kollu diġitali u l-analiżi ssir b’mod awtomatiku, qed jiġi evitat ukoll l-użu ta karti u possibilita ta żbalji.  Il-Ministru Cassar irringrazzja lill-professjonisti varji li kienu involuti sabiex dan l-istħarriġ jista jibda jiġi offrut lill pazjenti b’daqshekk kumdita. 

RESPIRA – proġett intiż biex jeżamina il-kwalita tal-arja

Bl-intenzjoni li jiġi investigat aktar fil-fond ir-raġuni ta’ mard respiratorju fil-gżejjer Malti, il-Ministeru għas-Saħħa, l-Anzjani u Kura fil-Komunita qiegħed jagħmel ko-finanzjament ta proġett imsejjaħ RESPIRA, li permezz ta fondi Ewropej qiegħed ukoll jeżamina il-kwalita tal-arja li huma esposti għaliha tfal minn 11 sa 14-il sena u l-ġenituri tagħhom.
Il-Ministru għas-Saħħa, l-Anzjani u Kura fil-Komunita Joe Cassar qal li l-proġett inbeda lejn tmiem Frar ta din is-sena u kien ispirat minn studji ppublikati minn Dr Martin Balzan u Profs. Stephen Montefort li wrew prevalenza għolja ta’ ażma ta’ bejn 10 u 12% fost it-tfal u l-kbar. L-istess stuji urew li hemm ukoll madwar 25% li jkollhom xi forma ta’ sintomi respiratorji waqt li ‘l fuq minn 40% jgħidu li kellhom Hay Fever (sintomi ta’ allergiji fl-imnieher).
Peress li studji barra minn Malta urew li tniġġis ambjentali, speċjalment trab fin, magħruf bħala ‘Particulate Matter’ jista jikkawża u jiggrava mard respiratorju, f’Malta qed isir dan l-istudju f’sitt skejjel fuq tfal (ġuvintur u xebbiet) ta’ bejn 11 u 14-il sena.  Il-Ministru Cassar qal li sa issa saru studji fil – Kulleġġ San Ġorġ Preca, Liċeo tas-Subien, Ħamrun u Kulleġġ San Inazju, Liċeo Maria Reġina tal-Bniet, Ħamrun. F’dan l-istudju ġew pprovduti kampjuni tan-nies li jgħixu fiż-żona ċentrali ta’ Malta. Sa issa kien hemm parteċipazzjoni għolja, sew mit-tfal u l-ġenituri tagħhom, kif ukoll mill-għalliema u l-istaff amministrattiv tal-Kulleġġi.
Joe Cassar qal ukoll li huwa pożittiv lid an l-istudju qiegħed jiġbed l-interess. Fil-fatt kien hemm ukoll kollaborazzjoni kbira min-pubbliku, u sar monitoraġġ fid-djar ta’ aktar minn 20 familja magħżula minn dawn il-Kulleġġi. Lill dawn il-familji sarulhom numru ta’ testijiet kliniċi bl-iskop li jiġu studjati l-allerġiji respiratorji permezz ta’ apparat li nxtara apposta permezz ta’ dan il-proġett.
Sa issa nġabru l’fuq minn 400 Kwestjonarju miż-żewġ Kulleġġi u sar moniteraġġ dettaljat ta’ l-arja interna f’numru ta’ klassijiet b’apparat sofistikat li nxtara bil-fondi li ngħataw permezz tal- Programm Operattiv Italia – Malta 2007 – 2013.
Il-Ministru Joe Cassar qal li l-pass li jmiss hu dak li jsir moniteraġġ fil-Kulleġġi ta’ Santa Margerita ġewwa l-Liċeo tas-Subien,  f’Bormla u l-liċeo tal-bniet, fiż-Żejtun fejn se jinġabru kampjuni għall-inħawi tan-nofsinnhar ta’ Malta, speċjalment fiż-żoni urbani ta’ madwar il-Port il-Kbir.

Dr Martin Balzan qal li RESPIRA, li qiegħed isir b’kollaborazzjoni ma istituzzjonijiet tas-saħħa Taljani,  huwa ffinanzjat mill-Ministeru għas-Saħħa, l-Anzjani u Kura fil-Komunita (15%) u mill-Fond Ewropew Għall-Iżvilupp Reġjonali, Italia Malta 2007 - 2013 (85%).  Dr Balzan qal li, apparti l-kwestjonarji, l-istudju qed isir ukoll bil-għajnuna ta apparat modern li jista jkejjel ħafna minn dawk li huma maħsuba li huma l-kaġun ta mard respiratorju.  Filwaqt li spjega kif dan l-appart qiegħed jaħdem u jiġbor l-informazzjoni meħtieġa, se jkun jista jagħti informazzjoni utli lill professjonisti tas-saħħa dwar il-kawża ta mard respiratorju.
Hu appella għall-kollaborazzjoni ta dawk kollha li ser jiġu avviċinati biex jieħdu sehem fl-istudji. 

Il-Ministru Cassar qal li bis-saħħa tal-imsieħba tal-proġett ser ikunu jistgħu jitqabblu ir-riżultati miksuba.  Dan ukoll jiddetermina x’passi jistgħu jittieħdu f’dan ir-rigward.  Hu rringrazzja lil familji kollha li pparteċipaw s’issa, filwaqt li nappella lil familji ta’ dawn l-iskejjel fejn se jsir l-istudju sabiex juru l-istess kooperazzjoni.