Sunday 28 October 2012

Speech by the Hon Joe Cassar, Minister for Health, the Elderly and Community Care at the Malta Cancer Foundation Symposium

Speech by the Hon Joe Cassar, Minister for Health, the Elderly and Community Care at the Malta Cancer Foundation Symposium .

Good morning,
Thank you for inviting me to address this symposium.
Cancer has been at the top of my agenda, since the very start of my tenure as Minister for Health. I need not explain why,  you are the experts in this field and surely know too well why.
Over the last few years Government has invested, significantly, in initiatives which seek to address the challenges that the rising cancer burden presents to Malta as it does to rest of the Western world. We appreciate the challenges and we are determined to address them as best as this country can.
Ongoing investment in screening programmes and targeted health promotion programmes, in wider access to free drugs,  and in the expansion of curative and palliative services characterize Government’s continued commitment to address cancer.  A National Cancer Strategy which was launched in 2011, directs and steers the development and activity that is continually unfolding in this specific field of practice.
The new EU funded oncology centre, which is due to open next year will be the hallmark of this government, in the field of oncology. We  cannot wait to take our patients there. The current oncology hospital, Boffa Hospital in Floriana,  holds many virtues with its sterling workforce being undoubtedly the central one, but, its dated nature calls for  modern new premises, which the new oncology centre at Mater Dei Hospital promises!
 In turn, the investment in resources associated within this centre are the cornerstones which will ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of this centre and oncology services in Malta. Government is committed and indeed in engaged in the establishment of the finest of equipment and the finest of human resources. Much funds have been channelled towards the purchase of relevant equipment and the development of optimally trained human resources.
We appreciate the support that the EU is providing, and we are grateful for the contribution that our partners, the University of Cardiff, and the Royal Marsden are rallying towards the further training of our workforce.
Before I end my address today, I would like to note our appreciation and gratitude towards the remarkable contribution that the Malta Cancer Foundation has incessantly delivered to oncology services in Malta. The Malta Cancer Foundation has been instrumental in the development of services in Malta. Allow me to take the opportunity to commend their generous contribution, and to invite the foundation for further collaboration in the coming years.
It is indeed a pleasure to be here; this is an opportunity to support a cause which is central and so important to my current role.
I augur a fruitful symposium.
 Thank you

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