Tuesday 9 October 2012

Launch of CAREMARK

Speech by the Hon Joe Cassar, Minister for Health, the Elderly and Community Care at the official launch of CAREMARK Malta.

Distinguished guests,
Thank you for inviting me to the launch of, CAREMARK, in Malta.  It is indeed a pleasure for me to be here, at the official launch of the local branch of a well reputed health care service.
CAREMARK intends to provide care services to people in their own homes, in their usual family environment, in the towns and villages across our island away from the hospitals and health centres which our health system holds. The demand for this kind of service, that is, care service provision in the community, is one which is increasingly on the rise.
CAREMARK boasts of excellent legacy of many years of experience and expertise in such care provision in the community setting, for many years in the UK and therefore CAREMARK’s coming to Malta is truly a pleasure to note. The Ministry of Health which I steer welcome CAREMARK as a collaborative partner in the mission to address the care needs of our people in the best way possible.
During my tenure as Minister of Health I have sought to welcome and support private organizations and NGOs wanting to contribute to the health and care sector. I have consistently sought to fetch and support initiatives originating from the private sector, which aimed to complement the policies, plans and projects of the public health care system. I believe that there is place for all in our health care system.
Given the one core common aim, that is, the provision of optimal service to those who need it, I am confident that our health system stands to benefit from comprising a myriad of different types of entities complementing each other.
CAREMARK’s private contribution to care community services is a welcome addition to my Ministry’s efforts towards securing  optimal care in community settings.
As a politician, I also note that CAREMARKs’ decision is a clear illustration of the successful and favourable position that Malta stands at, in the economic investment context. CAREMARK’s investment in Malta is a certificate of trust and faith in our nation, in our health system, in our workforce and in the  Government of Malta.  We will support your contribution to our society as best we can.
I augur success to CAREMARK on its new venture.
Thank you

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