Saturday 17 March 2012


(from September 2011)

WHO praises Malta’s role in providing humanitarian aid to Libya

While addressing the 61
Europe, the Hon. Joe Cassar, Minister for Health, the Elderly and Community Care invited all
ministers and delegations for the 2012 committee which will be hosted by Malta.

During his address, the Minister congratulated the Regional Director for her work on the WHO
Health 2020 Strategy document which will be approved at the 2012 meeting. The Minister also
addressed the issue of health inequalities and Malta’s role in addressing these issues at a national
and international level. Dr Cassar also referred to the social impact that is created by migration, and
outlined the measures taken to address the impact these are having on health services and society in
general. The Minister appealed for solidarity and mutual support of member states in addressing
these issues.

Dr Margaret Chan, WHO Director General, in her address to the Committee thanked the
Government of Malta for its invaluable contribution to the provision of humanitarian aid to the
Libyan people. Dr Chan also thanked the Minister personally for his role in the provision of
medical support.

The Minister participated in a Ministerial Round Table discussing the European experience in
addressing the social determinants of health. Among the panelists were the Ministers of Health of
Greece, Turkey and Bosnia, the UK Chief Medical Officer and the Directors General of Denmark
and Belgium. All members of the panel spoke about different perspectives of inequalities as they
relate to their respective countries.

Minister Cassar is heading the Maltese delegation attending the 61
World Health Organisation being held in Baku, Azerbaijan.

September 2012.
st session of the World Health Organisation Regional Committee forst Regional Committee of theThe 62nd World Health Organisation Regional Committee meeting will be held in Malta in

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